Frequently asked questions

Is Serve delivery secure?
Serve’s cargo container is secure. It can only be opened by a customer or the merchant via a unique passcode.

How does Serve navigate safely?
Serve robots mostly navigate the sidewalk on their own in self-driving mode. They are also continuously supervised by well-trained remote pilots.

What does Serve see?
Serve robots use a range of sensors to identify the objects around them and to avoid obstacles.

How can I receive a Serve delivery?
Customers ordering on the Uber Eats app within Serve’s delivery area may be assigned a robot if one is available, however you can’t directly request a robot.

Where does Serve deliver for Uber Eats?
The roll out will start with neighborhoods in Serve's existing delivery area in Los Angeles, such as Hollywood and West Hollywood, and will expand over time.

Is Serve fully authorized to operate?
Yes. Serve is approved to operate by local authorities in all our delivery areas.

How does Serve benefit the environment?
Serve robots produce zero emissions. By reducing our over-reliance on cars, they help lower CO2 emissions as well as traffic congestion. If we are able to take even a small fraction of food deliveries off the road, we estimate Serve can help eliminate over 1 billion car miles and more than 370K tons of CO2 annually.